About Us

Hi! I'm Jeremy but everyone calls me Jair. Most of my friends would say I have a couple of basic truths.

1) I like to make great things.

2) I am about as authentic as it comes.

My background is in Industrial design (fancy way of saying product designer). Most of my career was design amazing expensive office furniture for some of the biggest companies in the world. I have won a number of awards for these projects over the years.

But, I want to make amazing products that are not just for billion dollar companies but something that everyone can afford.

My first product I am releasing is an outlet shelf. Why? Most shelves on the market either have no wire management or not enough. They also are doughy looking. Not something I would want to put on my wall.

I wanted one for my home and I think you might as well!

What are my goals for this product? Pretty simple. Sell enough to cover the cost to launch another product!



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